Transparty Transparty Mobile Placespat TPU

  • Furfurnaan sare, sameynta xawaaraha xawaaraha, u adkaysata huruud, laastikada wanaagsan, oo wuxuu ku dhejin karaa PC / Abs, oo ku habboon dhammaan noocyada tikniyoolajiyadda howsha.

  • TPU waa polmonurethane, oo loo qaybin karo noocyo polyester iyo noocyo goos goos ah. It has a broad hardness range (60A-85D), wear resistance, oil resistance, high transparency, and good elasticity. It is widely used in shoe materials, bag materials, sports equipment, medical equipment, the automobile industry, packaging products, wire and cable coating materials, hoses, films, coatings, inks, adhesives, melt spun spandex fibers, artificial leather, bonded clothing, gloves, air blowing products, agricultural greenhouse, air transportation, and national defense industry and so on.